
Monday, April 20, 2015


I have been absent for a while due to a number of factors. The first being I have been sick with Epstein Barr, a sinus infection/cold and just can't seem to get rid of either one.  When I have an episode of EBV I have no ability to create.  It is stifles my creative mojo.  So instead I try to catch up on other projects.  My project/goal for this year is to do a whole house purge.  I read "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing" and was very inspired.  I started in our master bedroom closet and that took almost a week but it is done.  I then tackled the guest bedroom closet and that was major as it has stuff that belongs to the kids (all adults and long gone from the house), our stuff, storage stuff.  You get the idea.  That took 5 days and I just finished. So far,I have made 4 trips with the car full of stuff to donate.  I found a HUGE, I mean HUGE stash of needlepoint yarn which I need to sell on ebay and have just started listing.  If you need any, I probably have it!  So my creative space is a mess as you can imagine and I can't start any projects till I get some of this stuff OUT OF HERE!  Hope to be back soon with cards and coloring. 

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